316. Aquafarmer #4868

Fingerprint: asset1vxtvdxshv37kq2e59a9kcepuyspzc8d5e9k7t7 Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread
Policy: 86ec26a91051e4d42df00b023202e177a0027dca4294a20a0326a116 Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread

Metadata Analysis

Trait Value Uniqueness TOP
Hat Cap with sun protection 495/9991 5%
Tier Rare 2198/9991 22%
Background Purple plains 3341/9991 33.4%
Farmer head Robocop head no eyes 1038/9991 10.4%
Arm mechanics Blue mechanics 2020/9991 20.2%
Left hand tool Scythe 1041/9991 10.4%
Farmer clothing Tropical black with overall 336/9991 3.4%
Right hand tool None 4997/9991 50%
Farmer body color Green white 729/9991 7.3%
Background accessories Windmill 2547/9991 25.5%
NFT Aquafarmer #4868