107. CardanBroz7729

Fingerprint: asset1z44z74suunw2u5rt2q2fxh0032t0vpjneeuskn Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread
Policy: 04bb57c33d5e19a152c5f9eefc989808979a6f8b4bb0bc0e7e7ddf39 Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread

Metadata Analysis

Trait Value Uniqueness TOP
Broz ZomBro 55/491 11.2%
Eyes Red or Blue Pill 40/490 8.2%
Halo Yellow Glow 36/489 7.4%
Mouth Yellow Surgical Mask 51/489 10.4%
Wings Full Wings 30/490 6.1%
Clothes Gray and Blue Suit 36/489 7.4%
Background The Matrix 38/489 7.8%
NFT CardanBroz7729