420. CardanoTrees 1777

Fingerprint: asset1w9gjfwl0t60vj40w5c48k74f35plsa7wfzz8sj Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread
Policy: e09e4f4217669b7f735b7a3724e835d8d6344db128eb03d6ea72885e Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread

Metadata Analysis

Trait Value Uniqueness TOP
Fruits N/A 9691/9990 97%
Country Tanzania, United Republic of 33/9937 0.3%
Flowers September to December 202/9990 2%
Abundance Uncommon 3467/9990 34.7%
Environment Day/Night/Rain 3459/9990 34.6%
TreeSpecies Gamma 1098/9990 11%
NFT CardanoTrees 1777