5757. Rudax the Sentinel of Valis

Fingerprint: asset15wzx307jzqegh0t42jayma3du0w7yatm0gpu92 Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread
Policy: a587ce7893ec56fa6136e483499d2a8210e29c34b7dc673446128875 Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread

Metadata Analysis

Trait Value Uniqueness TOP
Sex Male 6070/9991 60.8%
Body Brawny Gunner 54/9980 0.5%
Eyes Ruby 965/7917 12.2%
Glow None 7218/9982 72.3%
Head Ginger Dreads 47/6775 0.7%
Beard Van Dyke 129/4711 2.7%
Chest Blood-Spattered Silver Chestplate 71/9985 0.7%
Class Ranger 2581/9991 25.8%
Origin Valis 727/9990 7.3%
Species Human 5026/9990 50.3%
Weapons Dual Hordesman Axe 44/9980 0.4%
Trinkets None 3487/9984 34.9%
Background Omega 564/9982 5.7%
NFT Rudax the Sentinel of Valis