198. CryptoNutz#00425

Fingerprint: asset16p0qs0d9x65lzdvk5d8wzu687ym5wrygvn28p6 Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread
Policy: 07291887e7aff6504cd5c266a343fe9eec2ed4ad74e0ef3ca1e7a96c Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread

Metadata Analysis

Trait Value Uniqueness TOP
back Monkey Tail 56/1191 4.7%
ears No Feature 257/1191 21.6%
eyes White Dot Black Pupil 75/1191 6.3%
head Durag Grey 46/1191 3.9%
neck Bitcoin Necklace 114/1191 9.6%
brows Angry Brow 123/1191 10.3%
mouth Star Mask 57/1191 4.8%
jumper Army Gilet 45/1191 3.8%
monkey OG Brass Monkey 404/1191 33.9%
glasses Iris Glasses 38/1191 3.2%
background To the moon 11/1191 0.9%
accessories No Feature 1022/1191 85.8%
Feature count 8 209/1191 17.5%
NFT CryptoNutz#00425