264. EdensSeven6055

Fingerprint: asset1flv4tryt04q8gn07g7ssqrafqfr827c7685vuw Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread
Policy: 72539140e0582e9f823f8aba126cccb64dcff24bdea6472952af847f Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread

Metadata Analysis

Trait Value Uniqueness TOP
race Alien 1110/7760 14.3%
weapon Imperial Spike 288/7760 3.7%
clothing Dragon Knight 74/7760 1%
headwear Blindfold of Truth 323/7760 4.2%
accessory Aura of Pride 91/7758 1.2%
background Purple 1569/7760 20.2%
expression Bubblegum (Alien) 170/7760 2.2%
NFT EdensSeven6055