134. Goomble #5136

Fingerprint: asset1vqcne8zyut99gxzelsmmeyxkdr38d6n5cue0hr Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread
Policy: 158fd94afa7ee07055ccdee0ba68637fe0e700d0e58e8d12eca5be46 Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread

Metadata Analysis

Trait Value Uniqueness TOP
Back Butterfuly Wings 98/1619 6.1%
Body Round 869/1619 53.7%
Eyes Wink 28/1619 1.7%
Mouth UwU 61/1619 3.8%
Flavor Bubblegum 132/1619 8.2%
Prop 1 Playpus Pop 31/1619 1.9%
Prop 2 None 1153/1619 71.2%
Clothes The Mallard Order Robe with Sash 39/1619 2.4%
Headwear None 476/1618 29.4%
Background Cherry 292/1623 18%
NFT Goomble #5136