Collection Heads of Cards Heads of Cards

Policy: 01ef3d1ce227d3eaf1403fe9a3c773d0aef7cefce119913ee9d4ef3b Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread
Data fetching of this collection is in progress. Some data are not fully accurate yet.
391.5d ago
Total NFTs

Most Rare NFTs

1. X Chip Four 7 X Chip Four 7 Place Offer
2. X Chip Three 2 X Chip Three 2 Place Offer
3. X Chip Four 2 X Chip Four 2 Place Offer
4. X Chip Three 9 X Chip Three 9 Place Offer
5. X Chip Three 7 X Chip Three 7 Place Offer
6. X Chip Four 9 X Chip Four 9 Place Offer
7. X Chip Four 10 X Chip Four 10 Place Offer
8. X Chip Three 10 X Chip Three 10 Place Offer
9. X Chip Four Villains X Chip Four Villains Place Offer
10. X Chip Three Villains X Chip Three Villains Place Offer
11. X Chip Three Scientists X Chip Three Scientists Place Offer
12. X Chip Three Military X Chip Three Military Place Offer
13. X Chip Four Military X Chip Four Military Place Offer
14. X Chip Four Explorers X Chip Four Explorers Place Offer
15. X Chip Three Superheroes X Chip Three Superheroes Place Offer
16. X Chip Four Scientists X Chip Four Scientists Place Offer
17. X Chip Three Artists X Chip Three Artists Place Offer
18. X Chip Four Artists X Chip Four Artists Place Offer
19. X Chip Four Superheroes X Chip Four Superheroes Place Offer
20. X Chip Three Explorers X Chip Three Explorers Place Offer
21. Banksy Banksy Place Offer
22. Magneto Magneto Place Offer
23. X Chip Four Aces X Chip Four Aces Place Offer
24. X Chip Four Queens X Chip Four Queens Place Offer
25. X Chip Three Aces X Chip Three Aces Place Offer
26. X Chip Three 5 X Chip Three 5 Place Offer
27. X Chip Three Queens X Chip Three Queens Place Offer
28. X Chip Four 5 X Chip Four 5 Place Offer
29. Goku Goku Place Offer
30. Maradona Maradona Place Offer
31. Frieza Frieza Place Offer
32. Napoleon Napoleon Place Offer
33. Alexander the Great Alexander the Great Place Offer
34. Thanos Thanos Place Offer
35. Gates Gates Place Offer
36. VanGogh VanGogh Place Offer
37. Ironman Ironman Place Offer
38. Elizabeth Elizabeth Place Offer
39. X Chip Three 4 X Chip Three 4 Place Offer
40. X Chip Four 4 X Chip Four 4 Place Offer
41. Heath Ledger #03 Heath Ledger #03 Place Offer
42. Joaquin Phoenix #05 Joaquin Phoenix #05 Place Offer
43. Joaquin Phoenix #03 Joaquin Phoenix #03 Place Offer
44. Heath Ledger #02 Heath Ledger #02 Place Offer
45. Joaquin Phoenix #02 Joaquin Phoenix #02 Place Offer
46. Heath Ledger #05 Heath Ledger #05 Place Offer
47. X Chip Four 8 X Chip Four 8 Place Offer
48. Joaquin Phoenix #04 Joaquin Phoenix #04 Place Offer
49. X Chip Three 8 X Chip Three 8 Place Offer
50. Heath Ledger #01 Heath Ledger #01 Place Offer
51. Joaquin Phoenix #01 Joaquin Phoenix #01 Place Offer
52. Heath Ledger #04 Heath Ledger #04 Place Offer
53. X Chip Jokers X Chip Jokers Place Offer
54. Hawking Hawking Place Offer
55. Irwin Irwin Place Offer
56. Einstein Einstein Place Offer
57. X Chip Three Rulers X Chip Three Rulers Place Offer
58. X Chip Four Rulers X Chip Four Rulers Place Offer
59. X Chip Three Memes X Chip Three Memes Place Offer
60. X Chip Three Mythical X Chip Three Mythical Place Offer
61. X Chip Four Mythical X Chip Four Mythical Place Offer
62. X Chip Four Memes X Chip Four Memes Place Offer
63. Armstrong Armstrong Place Offer
64. Darwin Darwin Place Offer
65. Spiderman Spiderman Place Offer
66. Pickachu Pickachu Place Offer
67. Mandela Mandela Place Offer
68. Dora Dora Place Offer
69. Leonardo Leonardo Place Offer
70. Putin Putin Place Offer
71. Gollum Gollum Place Offer
72. Satoshi Satoshi Place Offer
73. X Chip Three Kings X Chip Three Kings Place Offer
74. X Chip Four Kings X Chip Four Kings Place Offer
75. Vader Vader Place Offer
76. The Child The Child Place Offer
77. Doge Doge Place Offer
78. Pepe Pepe Place Offer
79. Escobar Escobar Place Offer
80. Jordan Jordan Place Offer
81. Caesar Caesar Place Offer
82. Gaddafi Gaddafi Place Offer
83. X Chip Three Jacks X Chip Three Jacks Place Offer
84. El Risitas El Risitas Place Offer
85. X Chip Full Suit Diamonds X Chip Full Suit Diamonds Place Offer
86. X Chip Straight Flush Diamonds X Chip Straight Flush Diamonds Place Offer
87. X Chip Royal Flush Diamonds X Chip Royal Flush Diamonds Place Offer
88. Genghis Khan Genghis Khan Place Offer
89. Washington Washington Place Offer
90. Potter Potter Place Offer
91. Serena Serena Place Offer
92. Lovelace Lovelace Place Offer
93. Charles Hoskinson Charles Hoskinson Place Offer
94. Fahadouken Fahadouken Place Offer
95. X Chip Four Crypto X Chip Four Crypto Place Offer
96. X Chip Three Crypto X Chip Three Crypto Place Offer
97. X Chip Straight Flush Spades X Chip Straight Flush Spades Place Offer
98. X Chip Full Suit Spades X Chip Full Suit Spades Place Offer
99. X Chip Royal Flush Spades X Chip Royal Flush Spades Place Offer
100. X Chip Full Suit Hearts X Chip Full Suit Hearts Place Offer
101. X Chip Royal Flush Clubs X Chip Royal Flush Clubs Place Offer
102. X Chip Straight Flush Clubs X Chip Straight Flush Clubs Place Offer
103. X Chip Full Suit Clubs X Chip Full Suit Clubs Place Offer
104. Muhammad Ali Muhammad Ali Place Offer
105. X Chip Straight Flush Hearts X Chip Straight Flush Hearts Place Offer
106. Fidel Castro Fidel Castro Place Offer
107. X Chip Royal Flush Hearts X Chip Royal Flush Hearts Place Offer

Most Rare for Sale


Collection Stats

NFTs per Owner
Listing Rate
Trades (Avg)
212 - 212 -212
12 - 12 -12

NFTs in collection (120)