49. Grigor of Adorian
Metadata Analysis
Trait |
Value |
Uniqueness |
Face |
Fierce |
76/2591 |
2.9% |
Main |
Bomb |
143/2591 |
5.5% |
Block |
Adorian |
130/2591 |
5% |
Class |
Blood Hunter |
180/2591 |
6.9% |
Filler |
The Good Stuff |
94/2591 |
3.6% |
Points |
1 |
1718/2591 |
66.3% |
Wisdom |
3 |
592/2591 |
22.8% |
LeftTop |
Painter |
136/2591 |
5.2% |
Charisma |
5 |
302/2591 |
11.7% |
RightTop |
Spell Crafter |
51/2591 |
2% |
Strength |
1 |
1294/2591 |
49.9% |
Dexterity |
5 |
158/2591 |
6.1% |
Intellect |
2 |
501/2591 |
19.3% |
Secondary |
Blockicubes |
176/2591 |
6.8% |
Backgrounds |
Yellow |
219/2591 |
8.5% |
Combat Score |
18 |
46/2590 |
1.8% |
Constitution |
2 |
691/2591 |
26.7% |