279. Knights Club #4674

Fingerprint: asset1sx9axc5wyfjrj3t0g252j4my5ry4enzme35t0s Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread
Policy: d43898619d4d4a463e505a5df3dce0b5b88b7d8760bdb89662c66a87 Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread

Metadata Analysis

Trait Value Uniqueness TOP
Gem Clasped emerald 162/1581 10.2%
Body White body 367/1581 23.2%
Helmet Centurion 180/1581 11.4%
Weapon Diamond sword 157/1581 9.9%
Accessory Arrow 206/1582 13%
Shoulders Skulls 52/1581 3.3%
Background Seafoam 193/1581 12.2%
Plume and cape Fuschia and white feathers 142/1581 9%
NFT Knights Club #4674