850. Moonimal #0405

Fingerprint: asset1zhq9l4nldmk0cptc2hqrjuvxp8fq0mgjjt77vz Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread
Policy: c8d7c20720dfd4eb41bb9d621ca7a142723a8cf3fff03b6f86669a77 Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread

Metadata Analysis

Trait Value Uniqueness TOP
Back Frozen Tail 184/5541 3.3%
Body Normal 621/5541 11.2%
Eyes Wink 64/5541 1.2%
Face GM Tattoo 496/5541 9%
Hand Moonsword and Shield 58/5541 1%
Mouth The Commander Card 105/5541 1.9%
Earring Moonpods 424/5541 7.7%
Clothing U3G2 Exoskeleton Suit 50/5541 0.9%
Headwear Gold Halo 57/5541 1%
Companion Friendly Drone 592/5418 10.9%
Background Red 399/5541 7.2%
NFT Moonimal #0405