439. Paper Society #00953

Fingerprint: asset1kfa2ctjssq97np67hh2megxyyupc7e2p4xfqjr Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread
Policy: 7482551a1dab4a992e579718a81e6cd14401bf4d02856c0c738a2587 Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread

Metadata Analysis

Trait Value Uniqueness TOP
Body Ape 280/6991 4%
Eyes Angry 472/6991 6.8%
Brows Pierced Eyebrow 1235/6991 17.7%
Mouth Joint 393/6991 5.6%
Clothes McPaper's Polo Shirt 169/6991 2.4%
Special None 6971/6991 99.7%
Earrings No Earrings 4904/6991 70.1%
Necklaces Wild Teeth Necklace 249/6991 3.6%
Background Stars In The Sky 856/6991 12.2%
Hair and Hats Elegant Hat 147/6991 2.1%
NFT Paper Society #00953