143. Thanksgiving Bear #2142

Fingerprint: asset18g350xze2z9a5famznv6uw9nftelayv9ega49z Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread
Policy: c57de2b4d4a63e90786c29e6eec35c48f143b1a6520d01e5e83f380d Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread

Metadata Analysis

Trait Value Uniqueness TOP
Back Accessory-Pot of Honey 81/892 9.1%
Eyes Monecle-Cranberry Red 42/892 4.7%
Head Pilgrim Hat-Turkey Day Brown 48/892 5.4%
Mouth Thanksgiving Joint-Blueberry Pie Blue 90/892 10.1%
Costume Bakers Apron-Cranberry Red 79/892 8.9%
Background The Pines Way 107/892 12%
Base Character Blueberry Pie Blue 134/892 15%
NFT Thanksgiving Bear #2142