382. TeddyTrooper #0066

Fingerprint: asset1g687uhnsksg5cw7akf7egzkd3q9cj0706he8km Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread
Policy: 6f3a7634e62c5daae02bcb6b5be34d30e72cf469a13ed2a2458c2154 Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread

Metadata Analysis

Trait Value Uniqueness TOP
Face Topical 198/5403 3.7%
Color Formula 639 32/5392 0.6%
Shape Triceratroops 61/5400 1.1%
Gadget Walk the Dogs 150/5402 2.8%
Helmet Topical 660/5404 12.2%
Background Match Of Pair 1234/5404 22.8%
NFT TeddyTrooper #0066