182. The Cryptoverse #01718

Fingerprint: asset1n7p3037az03hjmg9p7yl054u0yqx8fuk859xct Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread
Policy: bea1896ee0d765ba1293d64fba71c6fb7b95a59298a741df4600bf7d Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread

Metadata Analysis

Trait Value Uniqueness TOP
back Stellar Harpoon 180/2049 8.8%
eyes Green 255/2049 12.4%
head Dreadlocks 194/2049 9.5%
rune Cross 110/2049 5.4%
skin Astronaut 292/2049 14.3%
mouth E Cig 117/2049 5.7%
minion Imp 196/2049 9.6%
outfit Greek Top 252/2049 12.3%
tattoo Stoner 207/2049 10.1%
glasses None 1737/2049 84.8%
background Network Mono 65/2049 3.2%
NFT The Cryptoverse #01718