42. Dysmorphia#0674

Fingerprint: asset1z9x0sx8qwefy3nxgxlvgrcflqsylk4xvqzmwed Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread
Policy: e3735ae7ad4a0738b2297046e7a936465d874733a8601d8bba0a6c72 Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread

Metadata Analysis

Trait Value Uniqueness TOP
Hat Bandana 30/1485 2%
Body Front 1237/1489 83.1%
Eyes Visor 32/1489 2.1%
Face Face Mask 108/1488 7.3%
Hair Short Curly 124/1486 8.3%
House Reago 374/1491 25.1%
Branch Green 536/1491 35.9%
Family Glacio 125/1491 8.4%
Clothes Space Suit 104/1482 7%
Rainbow No 1434/1490 96.2%
Mix Breed No 1443/1490 96.8%
Watermark Smart Is The New Fomo 191/1491 12.8%
Background Color 306/1491 20.5%
NFT Famous No 505/1479 34.1%
Accessories No 939/1479 63.5%
Level of Dysmorphia High 411/1490 27.6%
NFT Dysmorphia#0674