1218. 1700

Fingerprint: asset1whma2caadh3n9xktj54rdqavlgzer2ehe4rchy Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread
Policy: a4b073b35064bdcecef791df64a1932008551b4ba87208af088d2587 Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread

Metadata Analysis

Trait Value Uniqueness TOP
body Blouse 99/3487 2.8%
eyes Looking Up 120/3487 3.4%
head Bleached Buzz 66/3481 1.9%
mouth Angry 76/3485 2.2%
colour Gradient: Blue to Red 85/3490 2.4%
special None 2856/3439 83%
accessory Wayfarers 240/3485 6.9%
background Gradient: Blue to Red 96/3490 2.8%
NFT 1700