189. First Arrivals - Zuul2306

Fingerprint: asset1pttu82c2us9qpg8t2pnl08a2euze5rgn7xf7e6 Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread
Policy: 28e0e399d9dc03dbb7b97ad45461cda8e7c4f24c85f91b863b8b6374 Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread

Metadata Analysis

Trait Value Uniqueness TOP
fur Light blue 36/800 4.5%
eyes Purple eyes 35/800 4.4%
head Semi bold 37/800 4.6%
nose Stuck pencil 32/800 4%
wear Army T-shirt 31/800 3.9%
mouth Wide smile with golden tooth and mustache 10/800 1.3%
gender Male 401/800 50.1%
background Grey 65/800 8.1%
special Trait Stud 74/800 9.3%
NFT First Arrivals - Zuul2306