112. First Arrivals - Zuul2779

Fingerprint: asset1hez5mg9rvatwlc4u40zf2h65r6dn5jdsueskww Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread
Policy: 28e0e399d9dc03dbb7b97ad45461cda8e7c4f24c85f91b863b8b6374 Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread

Metadata Analysis

Trait Value Uniqueness TOP
fur Spotted dark blue 29/800 3.6%
eyes Double eyeballs with glasses 38/800 4.8%
head Funky Hair 37/800 4.6%
nose Short blue nose with ring 34/800 4.3%
wear Red tank top 10/800 1.3%
mouth Four teeth with Mustache 11/800 1.4%
gender Male 401/800 50.1%
background Grey 65/800 8.1%
special Trait Short braid 72/800 9%
NFT First Arrivals - Zuul2779