3805. Zombie Hunter #07602

Fingerprint: asset1g220u47evvafxclem8um4qeakfx0xngas7jmq8 Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread
Policy: 320bb921e517c8111e309b2822633da6c9af346ca4e18b79a94864b3 Explorer Cexplorer Marketplace JamOnBread

Metadata Analysis

Trait Value Uniqueness TOP
Hat Nerf Herder 212/9991 2.1%
Eyes Monocle 309/9991 3.1%
Skin Tattoo Tan 679/9991 6.8%
Swag Turtle Shell Green 398/9991 4%
Mouth Scream 497/9991 5%
Chains Gold Chain 302/9991 3%
Gender Male 4997/9991 50%
Clothing Tank Top 597/9991 6%
Earrings None 8090/9991 81%
AttackHat Pumpkin 345/9991 3.5%
AttackEyes Dumb 666/9991 6.7%
AttackSkin Green 1344/9991 13.5%
Background Blue Metal 1217/9991 12.2%
LeftWeapon Sword Of The Bride 120/9991 1.2%
RightWeapon Ak47 367/9991 3.7%
AttackGender Female 4966/9991 49.7%
AttackClothing Redneck 1511/9991 15.1%
NFT Zombie Hunter #07602