Trait analytics (3)
Partner Perk 1
24 variants
Additional in game benefits
You get 1.5% more bank if you bet and win at Robo
Full access for tools at Bad Labs
2 free spins on battle rounds plus 10% off all spin purchases
Double Bank staking acts like gold bankcard
Airdrop of special powers for Arcade Royal Chess
WL for Danketsu polygon mint
["Cards earn $Bank for Weird Oz, multiplier based ", "on weird oz nfts onwed up to x2 multiplier"]
WL for Tool Head mint
WL for Womens mint
["1,000 $ULT Tokens one time for GEFI bot registration ", ""]
PathFinder role activated
WL for all future mints
["Entry to Founders Poker Tournament, Eikonikos Access ", "Pass token drop of 100 Eik tokens,Raffle Entries"]
Sports Alpha Club Token drops
De-fi Investment 5% Residual
5 MMMilitia Collection Direct staking per Card
Triple rewards from Gopher residual
200 ada held in wallet to qualify for 1.08 staking
WL upgrade to silver
WL for ships mount with OTK
Rum Token drops
["Drip bonus and giveaway each epoch ", "they successfully mint a block"]
Staking Factor
7 variants
NFTs in collection (2,591)